Polak RL


Full name : Polak Robert L

First name : Robert L

Mail : Medical Biological Laboratory of the National Defence, Research Organization TNO, 135 Lange Kleiwey, Rijsvijk(Z. H.)

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References (48)

Title : Effect of potassium propionate on free and bound acetylcholine in frog muscle - Molenaar_1989_Brain.Res_477_109
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Brain Research , 477 :109 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1989_Brain.Res_477_109
PubMedID: 2784707

Title : The effect of anions on bound acetylcholine in frog sartorius muscle - Ceccarelli_1989_J.Physiol_408_233
Author(s) : Ceccarelli B , Molenaar PC , Oen BS , Polak RL , Torri-Tarelli F , Van Kempen GT
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 408 :233 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ceccarelli_1989_J.Physiol_408_233
PubMedID: 2789283

Title : Effect of chloride ions on giant miniature end-plate potentials at the frog neuromuscular junction - Molenaar_1987_J.Physiol_383_143
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Oen BS , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 383 :143 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1987_J.Physiol_383_143
PubMedID: 3498819

Title : Surplus acetylcholine and acetylcholine release in the rat diaphragm - Molenaar_1987_J.Physiol_385_147
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Oen BS , Polak RL , van der Laaken AL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 385 :147 , 1987
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1987_J.Physiol_385_147
PubMedID: 3498823

Title : Resting Release of Acetylcholine at the Motor Endplate -
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 30 :481 , 1986

Title : Evoked Release of Acetylcholine at the Motor Endplate -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 30 :489 , 1986

Title : Acetylcholinesterase activity in intact and homogenized skeletal muscle of the frog - Miledi_1984_J.Physiol_349_663
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 349 :663 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miledi_1984_J.Physiol_349_663
PubMedID: 6610744

Title : Potassium propionate causes preferential loss of 'bound' acetylcholine in frog muscle - Molenaar_1983_Neurosci.Lett_43_209
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 43 :209 , 1983
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1983_Neurosci.Lett_43_209
PubMedID: 6324040

Title : Electrophysiological and chemical determination of acetylcholine release at the frog neuromuscular junction - Miledi_1983_J.Physiol_334_245
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 334 :245 , 1983
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miledi_1983_J.Physiol_334_245
PubMedID: 6602876

Title : Eaton-Lambert syndrome: acetylcholine and choline acetyltransferase in skeletal muscle - Molenaar_1982_Neurology_32_1061
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Newsom-Davis J , Polak RL , Vincent A
Ref : Neurology , 32 :1061 , 1982
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 6287358

Title : Giant miniature endplate potentials induced by 4-aminoquinoline - Molgo_1982_Acta.Physiol.Scand_115_201
Author(s) : Molgo J , Gomez S , Polak RL , Thesleff S
Ref : Acta Physiologica Scandinavica , 115 :201 , 1982
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molgo_1982_Acta.Physiol.Scand_115_201
PubMedID: 7136813

Title : Free and bound acetylcholine in frog muscle - Miledi_1982_J.Physiol_333_189
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 333 :189 , 1982
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miledi_1982_J.Physiol_333_189
PubMedID: 6985073

Title : Neural and non-neural acetylcholine in the rat diaphragm - Miledi_1982_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_214_153
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL , Tas JW , van der Laaken T
Ref : Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci , 214 :153 , 1982
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miledi_1982_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_214_153
PubMedID: 6127677

Title : Choline acetyltransferase in skeletal muscle from patients with myasthenia gravis - Molenaar_1981_J.Neurochem_37_1081
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Newsom-Davis J , Polak RL , Vincent A
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 37 :1081 , 1981
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1981_J.Neurochem_37_1081
PubMedID: 7299388

Title : Congenital myasthenia: end-plate acetylcholine receptors and electrophysiology in five cases - Vincent_1981_Muscle.Nerve_4_306
Author(s) : Vincent A , Cull-Candy SG , Newsom-Davis J , Trautmann A , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Muscle & Nerve , 4 :306 , 1981
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vincent_1981_Muscle.Nerve_4_306
PubMedID: 7254233

Title : Acetylcholine content and release in denervated or botulinum poisoned rat skeletal muscle - Polak_1981_J.Physiol_319_253
Author(s) : Polak RL , Sellin LC , Thesleff S
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 319 :253 , 1981
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Polak_1981_J.Physiol_319_253
PubMedID: 7320915

Title : Hydrolysis of Acetylcholine by Frog Skeletal Muscle -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 25 :197 , 1981

Title : Early Effects of Denervation on Acetylcholine and Choline Acetyltransferase in Skeletal Muscle -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 25 :205 , 1981

Title : Acetylcholine synthesizing enzymes in frog skeletal muscle - Molenaar_1980_J.Neurochem_35_1021
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 35 :1021 , 1980
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1980_J.Neurochem_35_1021
PubMedID: 6969787

Title : The effect of lanthanum ions on acetylcholine in frog muscle - Miledi_1980_J.Physiol_309_199
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 309 :199 , 1980
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Miledi_1980_J.Physiol_309_199
PubMedID: 6265624

Title : Acetylcholine in intercostal muscle from myasthenia gravis patients and in rat diaphragm after blockade of acetylcholine receptors -
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL , Miledi R , Alema S , Vincent A , Newsom-Davis J
Ref : Prog Brain Res , 49 :449 , 1979
PubMedID: 515442

Title : A method for determination of acetylcholine by slow pyrolysis combined with mass fragmentography on a packed capillary column -
Author(s) : Polak RL , Molenaar PC
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 32 :407 , 1979
PubMedID: 762555

Title : Acetylcholine Compartments in Frog Muscle -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 24 :377 , 1978

Title : Regulation of Acetylcholine Synthesis in Rat Brain -
Author(s) : Polak RL , Molenaar PC , Braggaar-Schaap P
Ref : Advances in Behavioral Biology , 24 :511 , 1978

Title : Alpha-Bungarotoxin enhances transmitter released at the neuromuscular junction -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Nature , 272 :641 , 1978
PubMedID: 643060

Title : Acetylcholine metabolism and choline uptake in cortical slices -
Author(s) : Polak RL , Molenaar PC , van Gelder M
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 29 :477 , 1977
PubMedID: 894304

Title : An analysis of acetylcholine in frog muscle by mass fragmentography -
Author(s) : Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci , 197 :285 , 1977
PubMedID: 19748

Title : Analysis of the preferential release of newly synthesized acetylcholine by cortical slices from rat brain with the aid of two different labelled precursors -
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 26 :95 , 1976
PubMedID: 1255186

Title : Acetylcholine in human muscle -
Author(s) : Ito Y , Miledi R , Molenaar PC , Vincent A , Polak RL , van Gelder M , Davis JN
Ref : Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci , 192 :475 , 1976
PubMedID: 4804

Title : Pitfalls in determination of acetylcholine from brain by pyrolysis-gas chromatography\/mass spectrometry -
Author(s) : Polak RL , Molenaar PC
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 23 :1295 , 1974
PubMedID: 4452908

Title : Preferential release of newly synthesized 3 H-acetylcholine from rat cerebral cortex slices in vitro - Molenaar_1973_Br.J.Pharmacol_47_97
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Nickolson VJ , Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 47 :97 , 1973
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1973_Br.J.Pharmacol_47_97
PubMedID: 4717024

Title : Newly formed acetylcholine in synaptic vesicles in brain tissue -
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : Brain Research , 62 :537 , 1973
PubMedID: 4760521

Title : Subcellular localization of newly-formed (3H)acetylcholine in rat cerebral cortex in vitro -
Author(s) : Molenarr PC , Polak RL , Nickolson VJ
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 21 :667 , 1973
PubMedID: 4742144

Title : Preferential release of newly synthesized acetylcholine from rat cerebral cortex in vitro -
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Nickolson VJ , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 213 :64P , 1971
PubMedID: 5574865

Title : Stimulating action of atropine on the release of acetylcholine by rat cerebral cortex in vitro - Polak_1971_Br.J.Pharmacol_41_600
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 41 :600 , 1971
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Polak_1971_Br.J.Pharmacol_41_600
PubMedID: 5579460

Title : An analysis of the stimulating action of atropine on release and synthesis of acetylcholine in cortical slices from rat brain -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : Drugs and Cholinergic Mechanisms in the CNS :323 , 1970

Title : Stimulation by atropine of acetylcholine release and synthesis in cortical slices from rat brain - Molenaar_1970_Br.J.Pharmacol_40_406
Author(s) : Molenaar PC , Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 40 :406 , 1970
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Molenaar_1970_Br.J.Pharmacol_40_406
PubMedID: 5497792

Title : The influence of drugs on the uptake of acetylcholine by slices of rat cerebral cortex -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 36 :144 , 1969

Title : The influence of drugs on the uptake of acetylcholine by slices of rat cerebral cortex - Polak_1969_Br.J.Pharmacol_36_144
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 36 :144 , 1969
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Polak_1969_Br.J.Pharmacol_36_144
PubMedID: 5768084

Title : Influence of antimuscarinic substances on in vitro synthesis of acetylcholine by rat cerebral cortex -
Author(s) : Bertels-Meeuws MM , Polak RL
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy , 33 :368 , 1968
PubMedID: 5664155

Title : The influence of antimuscarinic drugs on synthesis and release of acetylcholine by the isolated cerebral cortex of the rat -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 191 :34P , 1967
PubMedID: 6050629

Title : Uptake of acetylcholine by the isolated cerebral cortex of the rat -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : Acta Physiologica Pharmacologica Neerlandica , 14 :505 , 1967
PubMedID: 5582719

Title : The influence of atropine on the release and uptake of acetylcholine by the isolated cerebral cortex of the rat -
Author(s) : Polak RL , Meeuws MM
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 15 :989 , 1966
PubMedID: 5967910

Author(s) : Beleslin D , Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 177 :411 , 1965
PubMedID: 14321488

Title : The effect of leptazol and strychnine on the acetylcholine release from the cat brain -
Author(s) : Beleslin D , Polak RL , Sproull DH
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 181 :308 , 1965
PubMedID: 5866493

Title : The release of acetylcholine into the cerebral subarachnoid space of anaesthetized cats -
Author(s) : Beleslin D , Polak RL , Sproull DH
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 177 :420 , 1965
PubMedID: 14321489

Title : Effect of hyoscine on the output of acetylcholine into perfused cerebral ventricles of cats -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 181 :317 , 1965
PubMedID: 5866494

Title : The influence of oximes on the distribution of 32P in the body of the rat after injection of 32P-labelled sarin -
Author(s) : Polak RL
Ref : Acta Physiologica et Pharmacologica Neerlandica , 12 :81 , 1963