Title : Possible Interaction between ZnS Nanoparticles and Phosphonates on Mediterranean Clams Ruditapes decussatus - Saidani_2023_Molecules_28_ |
Author(s) : Saidani W , Bouzidi I , Khazri A , Ghannem S , Aouani I , Fkiri A , Touil S , Alghonaim MI , Alsalamah SA , Qurtam AA , Beyrem H , Boufahja F , Sellami B |
Ref : Molecules , 28 : , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Saidani_2023_Molecules_28_ |
PubMedID: 36985432 |
Title : Physiological Impairment and Biochemical Modifications Induced by Triclosan in Mediterranean Mussels - Bouzidi_2023_Animals.(Basel)_13_ |
Author(s) : Bouzidi I , Mougin K , Beyrem H , Alghonaim MI , Alsalamah SA , Qurtam AA , Mahmoudi E , Boufahja F , Sellami B |
Ref : Animals (Basel) , 13 : , 2023 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bouzidi_2023_Animals.(Basel)_13_ |
PubMedID: 36830370 |