Title : Dopaminergic neurons establish a distinctive axonal arbor with a majority of non-synaptic terminals - Ducrot_2021_FASEB.J_35_e21791 |
Author(s) :
Ducrot C , Bourque MJ , Delmas CVL , Racine AS , Guadarrama Bello D , Delignat-Lavaud B , Domenic Lycas M , Fallon A , Michaud-Tardif C , Burke Nanni S , Herborg F , Gether U , Nanci A , Takahashi H , Parent M , Trudeau LE |
Ref :
FASEB Journal , 35 :e21791 , 2021 |
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ducrot_2021_FASEB.J_35_e21791 |
PubMedID: 34320240 |