Ramirez V

References (2)

Title : Genetic dissection of cell wall defects and the strigolactone pathway in Arabidopsis - Ramirez_2019_Plant.Direct_3_e00149
Author(s) : Ramirez V , Pauly M
Ref : Plant Direct , 3 :e00149 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ramirez_2019_Plant.Direct_3_e00149
PubMedID: 31245785

Title : Growth- and stress-related defects associated with wall hypoacetylation are strigolactone-dependent - Ramirez_2018_Plant.Direct_2_e00062
Author(s) : Ramirez V , Xiong G , Mashiguchi K , Yamaguchi S , Pauly M
Ref : Plant Direct , 2 :e00062 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ramirez_2018_Plant.Direct_2_e00062
PubMedID: 31245725