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Ref : Front Mol Neurosci , 16 :1125934 , 2023 |
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Ref : Annals of Pharmacotherapy , 38 :1389 , 2004 |
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Title : In situ localization of the genetic locus encoding the lysosomal acid lipase\/cholesteryl esterase (LIPA) deficient in Wolman disease to chromosome 10q23.2-q23.3 - |
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Title : Human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase bears the Yta blood group antigen and is reduced or absent in the Yt(a-b-) phenotype - Rao_1993_Blood_81_815 |
Author(s) : Rao N , Whitsett CF , Oxendine SM , Telen MJ |
Ref : Blood , 81 :815 , 1993 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rao_1993_Blood_81_815 |
PubMedID: 8427972 |