Rausell A

References (1)

Title : Hippocampal Extracellular Matrix Levels and Stochasticity in Synaptic Protein Expression Increase with Age and Are Associated with Age-dependent Cognitive Decline - Vegh_2014_Mol.Cell.Proteomics_13_2975
Author(s) : Vegh MJ , Rausell A , Loos M , Heldring CM , Jurkowski W , van Nierop P , Paliukhovich I , Li KW , Del Sol A , Smit AB , Spijker S , van Kesteren RE
Ref : Mol Cell Proteomics , 13 :2975 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vegh_2014_Mol.Cell.Proteomics_13_2975
PubMedID: 25044018