Ravasi L

References (2)

Title : Early development of symptomatic drugs in AD: a systematic review of the use of biomarkers - Deguil_2016_CNS.Neurol.Disord.Drug.Targets_2_
Author(s) : Deguil J , Ravasi L , Lamberty Y , Auffret A , Payoux P , Leroy C , Derambure P , Bordet R
Ref : CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets , : , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Deguil_2016_CNS.Neurol.Disord.Drug.Targets_2_
PubMedID: 27189465

Title : Translational challenge models in support of efficacy studies: effect of cerebral hypoxia on cognitive performances in rodents - Deguil_2016_CNS.Neurol.Disord.Drug.Targets_1_
Author(s) : Deguil J , Ravasi L , Lanteaume L , Lamberty Y , Bordet R
Ref : CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets , : , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Deguil_2016_CNS.Neurol.Disord.Drug.Targets_1_
PubMedID: 27189464