Ray PF

References (1)

Title : Treatment of Mouse Sperm with a Non-Catalytic Mutant of PLA2G10 Reveals That PLA2G10 Improves In Vitro Fertilization through Both Its Enzymatic Activity and as Ligand of PLA2R1 - Abi_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_
Author(s) : Abi Nahed R , Dhellemmes M , Payre C , Le Blevec E , Perrier JP , Hennebicq S , Escoffier J , Ray PF , Loeuillet C , Lambeau G , Arnoult C
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 23 : , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abi_2022_Int.J.Mol.Sci_23_
PubMedID: 35887380