Raykin E

References (2)

Title : Developmental and social deficits and enhanced sensitivity to prenatal chlorpyrifos in PON1-\/- mouse pups and adults - Kofman_2020_PLoS.One_15_e0239738
Author(s) : Kofman O , Lan A , Raykin E , Zega K , Brodski C
Ref : PLoS ONE , 15 :e0239738 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kofman_2020_PLoS.One_15_e0239738
PubMedID: 32976529

Title : Developmental and social deficits and enhanced sensitivity to prenatal chlorpyrifos in PON1-\/- mouse pups and adults - Kofman_2020_PLoS.One_15_e0239738
Author(s) : Kofman O , Lan A , Raykin E , Zega K , Brodski C
Ref : PLoS ONE , 15 :e0239738 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kofman_2020_PLoS.One_15_e0239738
PubMedID: 32976529