Renema N

References (1)

Title : Paradoxical effects of JZL184, an inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase, on bone remodelling in healthy and cancer-bearing mice - Marino_2019_EBioMedicine_44_452
Author(s) : Marino S , de Ridder D , Bishop RT , Renema N , Ponzetti M , Sophocleous A , Capulli M , Aljeffery A , Carrasco G , Gens MD , Khogeer A , Ralston SH , Gertsch J , Lamoureux F , Heymann D , Rucci N , Idris AI
Ref : EBioMedicine , 44 :452 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Marino_2019_EBioMedicine_44_452
PubMedID: 31151929