Title : What does the freshwater clam, Corbicula largillierti, have to tell us about chlorothalonil effects? - Reyna_2021_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_208_111603 |
Author(s) : Reyna PB , Alba ML , Rodriguez FA , Gonzalez M , Pegoraro C , Hued AC , Tatian M , Ballesteros ML |
Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 208 :111603 , 2021 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Reyna_2021_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_208_111603 |
PubMedID: 33396123 |
Title : A multilevel response approach reveals the Asian clam Corbicula largillierti as a mirror of aquatic pollution - Reyna_2019_Sci.Total.Environ_692_175 |
Author(s) : Reyna PB , Ballesteros ML , Alba ML , Bertrand L , Gonzalez M , Miglioranza KSB , Tatian M , Hued AC |
Ref : Sci Total Environ , 692 :175 , 2019 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Reyna_2019_Sci.Total.Environ_692_175 |
PubMedID: 31344570 |