Rodriguez-Ventura AL

References (1)

Title : PPARG-LYPLAL1 Multi-Allelic Combination Associated with Obesity and Overweight in Mexican Adolescent Females - Hernandez-Tobias_2016_Ethn.Dis_26_477
Author(s) : Hernandez-Tobias EA , Torres-Sanchez L , Noris G , Santana C , Samano MR , Arellano-Galindo J , Arenas-Sordo ML , Brooks D , Rodriguez-Ventura AL , Meraz-Rios MA , Gomez R
Ref : Ethn Dis , 26 :477 , 2016
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hernandez-Tobias_2016_Ethn.Dis_26_477
PubMedID: 27773974