Sahin Z

References (4)

Title : Pomegranate juice treatment reverses carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced increased acetylcholinesterase activity and cell death via suppression of oxidative stress in rats - Kalkan_2024_Rocz.Panstw.Zakl.Hig_75_293
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Title : Evaluation of the effects of Cyclotrichium niveum on brain acetylcholinesterase activity and oxidative stress in male rats orally exposed to lead acetate - Sahin_2019_Cell.Mol.Biol.(Noisy-le-grand)_65_3
Author(s) : Sahin Z , Ozkaya A , Uckun M , Yologlu E , Kuzu M , Comakli V , Demirdag R , Tel AZ , Aymelek F , Yologlu S
Ref : Cellular & Molecular Biology (Noisy-le-grand) , 65 :3 , 2019
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Title : Thiazole-substituted benzoylpiperazine derivatives as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors - Sahin_2018_Drug.Dev.Res_79_406
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Title : Role of geraniol against lead acetate-mediated hepatic damage and their interaction with liver carboxylesterase activity in rats - Ozkaya_2017_Arch.Physiol.Biochem__1
Author(s) : Ozkaya A , Sahin Z , Kuzu M , Saglam YS , Ozkaraca M , Uckun M , Yologlu E , Comakli V , Demirdag R , Yologlu S
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