Title : Epicardial neural ganglionated plexus of ovine heart: anatomic basis for experimental cardiac electrophysiology and nerve protective cardiac surgery - Saburkina_2010_Heart.Rhythm_7_942 |
Author(s) : Saburkina I , Rysevaite K , Pauziene N , Mischke K , Schauerte P , Jalife J , Pauza DH |
Ref : Heart Rhythm , 7 :942 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Saburkina_2010_Heart.Rhythm_7_942 |
PubMedID: 20197118 |
Title : Nerve supply of the human pulmonary veins: an anatomical study - Vaitkevicius_2009_Heart.Rhythm_6_221 |
Author(s) : Vaitkevicius R , Saburkina I , Rysevaite K , Vaitkeviciene I , Pauziene N , Zaliunas R , Schauerte P , Jalife J , Pauza DH |
Ref : Heart Rhythm , 6 :221 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Vaitkevicius_2009_Heart.Rhythm_6_221 |
PubMedID: 19187915 |
Title : Innervation of pulmonary veins: morphologic pattern and pathways of nerves in the human fetus - Vaitkevicius_2008_Ann.Anat_190_158 |
Author(s) : Vaitkevicius R , Saburkina I , Zaliunas R , Pauziene N , Vaitkeviciene I , Schauerte P , Pauza DH |
Ref : Ann Anat , 190 :158 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Vaitkevicius_2008_Ann.Anat_190_158 |
PubMedID: 18413269 |