Sjamsuridzal W

References (2)

Title : Insecticidal Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extracts from Culture Filtrates of Mangrove Fungal Endophytes - Abraham_2015_Mycobiology_43_137
Author(s) : Abraham S , Basukriadi A , Pawiroharsono S , Sjamsuridzal W
Ref : Mycobiology , 43 :137 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abraham_2015_Mycobiology_43_137
PubMedID: 26190921

Title : Insecticidal Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extracts from Culture Filtrates of Mangrove Fungal Endophytes - Abraham_2015_Mycobiology_43_137
Author(s) : Abraham S , Basukriadi A , Pawiroharsono S , Sjamsuridzal W
Ref : Mycobiology , 43 :137 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Abraham_2015_Mycobiology_43_137
PubMedID: 26190921