Soares A

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Title : Biomarker-based assessment of the toxicity of the antifungal clotrimazol to the microcrustacean Daphnia magna - Vieira_2019_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol_71_103210
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Title : Effects of triclosan on early development of Solea senegalensis: from biochemical to individual level - Araujo_2019_Chemosphere_235_885
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Title : Effects of nanoplastics on Mytilus galloprovincialis after individual and combined exposure with carbamazepine - Brandts_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_643_775
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Title : Effects of UV filter 4-methylbenzylidene camphor during early development of Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858 - Araujo_2018_Sci.Total.Environ_628-629_1395
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Title : Toxicity of dyes to zebrafish at the biochemical level: Cellular energy allocation and neurotoxicity - Abe_2017_Environ.Pollut_235_255
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Ref : Environ Pollut , 235 :255 , 2017
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Title : Toxicological effects of paracetamol on the clam Ruditapes philippinarum: exposure vs recovery - Nunes_2017_Aquat.Toxicol_192_198
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Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 192 :198 , 2017
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Title : Toxicity of organic UV-filters to the aquatic midge Chironomus riparius - Campos_2017_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_143_210
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Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 143 :210 , 2017
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Title : Use of atropine-treated Daphnia magna survival for detection of environmental contamination by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors - Carvalho_2003_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_54_43
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