Souza AC

References (2)

Title : Maternal caffeine exposure alters neuromotor development and hippocampus acetylcholinesterase activity in rat offspring - Souza_2015_Brain.Res_1595_10
Author(s) : Souza AC , Souza A , Medeiros LF , De Oliveira C , Scarabelot VL , Da Silva RS , Bogo MR , Capiotti KM , Kist LW , Bonan CD , Caumo W , Torres IL
Ref : Brain Research , 1595 :10 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Souza_2015_Brain.Res_1595_10
PubMedID: 25451122

Title : Repeated malathion exposure induces behavioral impairment and AChE activity inhibition in brains of rat pups - Acker_2011_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_74_2310
Author(s) : Acker CI , Souza AC , Pinton S , da Rocha JT , Friggi CA , Zanella R , Nogueira CW
Ref : Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 74 :2310 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Acker_2011_Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf_74_2310
PubMedID: 21855146