Souza MS

References (4)

Title : Rapid enzymatic response to compensate UV radiation in copepods - Souza_2012_PLoS.One_7_e32046
Author(s) : Souza MS , Hansson LA , Hylander S , Modenutti B , Balseiro E
Ref : PLoS ONE , 7 :e32046 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Souza_2012_PLoS.One_7_e32046
PubMedID: 22384136

Title : Effect of ultraviolet radiation on acetylcholinesterase activity in freshwater copepods - Souza_2010_Photochem.Photobiol_86_367
Author(s) : Souza MS , Balseiro E , Laspoumaderes C , Modenutti B
Ref : Photochem Photobiol , 86 :367 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Souza_2010_Photochem.Photobiol_86_367
PubMedID: 20003173

Title : Biodiesel synthesis via esterification of feedstock with high content of free fatty acids - Souza_2009_Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol_154_74
Author(s) : Souza MS , Aguieiras EC , da Silva MA , Langone MA
Ref : Appl Biochem Biotechnol , 154 :74 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Souza_2009_Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol_154_74
PubMedID: 19067243

Title : Prenatal exposure to pesticides: analysis of human placental acetylcholinesterase, glutathione S-transferase and catalase as biomarkers of effect - Souza_2005_Biomarkers_10_376
Author(s) : Souza MS , Magnarelli GG , Rovedatti MG , Cruz SS , de D'Angelo AM
Ref : Biomarkers , 10 :376 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Souza_2005_Biomarkers_10_376
PubMedID: 16243722