Swartz BE

References (4)

Title : Studies of working memory using 18FDG-positron emission tomography in normal controls and subjects with epilepsy - Swartz_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2057
Author(s) : Swartz BE , Halgren E , Simpkins F , Mandelkern M
Ref : Life Sciences , 58 :2057 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Swartz_1996_Life.Sci_58(22)_2057
PubMedID: 8637437

Title : Effects of intracellular antibodies to cGMP on responses of cortical neurons of awake cats to extracellular application of muscarinic agonists - Swartz_1984_Exp.Neurol_86_388
Author(s) : Swartz BE , Woody CD
Ref : Experimental Neurology , 86 :388 , 1984
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Swartz_1984_Exp.Neurol_86_388
PubMedID: 6149147

Title : Correlated effects of acetylcholine and cyclic guanosine monophosphate on membrane properties of mammalian neocortical neurons - Swartz_1979_J.Neurobiol_10_465
Author(s) : Swartz BE , Woody CD
Ref : Journal of Neurobiology , 10 :465 , 1979
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Swartz_1979_J.Neurobiol_10_465
PubMedID: 226660

Title : Effects of acetylcholine and cyclic GMP on input resistance of cortical neurons in awake cats - Woody_1978_Brain.Res_158_373
Author(s) : Woody CD , Swartz BE , Gruen E
Ref : Brain Research , 158 :373 , 1978
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Woody_1978_Brain.Res_158_373
PubMedID: 213174