Taillebois E


Full name : Taillebois Emiliane

First name : Emiliane

Mail : Laboratoire Recepteurs et Canaux Ioniques Membranaires (RCIM), UPRES EA 2647\/USC INRA 1330, SFR 4207 QUASAV, Universit d'Angers, UFR sciences, 2 Bd. Lavoisier, 49045 Angers

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Country : France

Email : emiliane_taillebois@yahoo.fr

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References (4)

Title : Inhibition of PaCaMKII-E isoform in the dorsal unpaired median neurosecretory cells of cockroach reduces nicotine- and clothianidin-induced currents - List_2014_J.Neurochem_130_507
Author(s) : List O , Calas-List D , Taillebois E , Juchaux M , Heuland E , Thany SH
Ref : Journal of Neurochemistry , 130 :507 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : List_2014_J.Neurochem_130_507
PubMedID: 24773052

Title : Neonicotinoid binding, toxicity and expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum - Taillebois_2014_PLoS.One_9_e96669
Author(s) : Taillebois E , Beloula A , Quinchard S , Jaubert-Possamai S , Daguin A , Servent D , Tagu D , Thany SH , Tricoire-Leignel H
Ref : PLoS ONE , 9 :e96669 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Taillebois_2014_PLoS.One_9_e96669
PubMedID: 24801634

Title : Synthesis and biological activity of fluorescent neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam - Taillebois_2014_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_24_3552
Author(s) : Taillebois E , Langlois P , Cunha T , Seraphin D , Thany SH
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 24 :3552 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Taillebois_2014_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_24_3552
PubMedID: 24915877

Title : Ca(2)(+)\/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the cockroach Periplaneta americana: identification of five isoforms and their tissues distribution - Taillebois_2013_Arch.Insect.Biochem.Physiol_83_138
Author(s) : Taillebois E , Heuland E , Bourdin CM , Griveau A , Quinchard S , Tricoire-Leignel H , Legros C , Thany SH
Ref : Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology , 83 :138 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Taillebois_2013_Arch.Insect.Biochem.Physiol_83_138
PubMedID: 23740573