Title : Beneficial Effects of an Integrated Psychostimulation Program in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease - Ibarria_2016_J.Alzheimers.Dis_50_559 |
Author(s) : Ibarria M , Alegret M , Valero S , Morera A , Guitart M , Canabate P , Moreno M , Lara S , Diego S , Hernandez J , Tantinya N , Vera M , Hernandez I , Becker JT , Ruiz A , Boada M , Tarraga L |
Ref : J Alzheimers Dis , 50 :559 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ibarria_2016_J.Alzheimers.Dis_50_559 |
PubMedID: 26757182 |
Title : Exploratory analysis of seven Alzheimer's disease genes: disease progression - Ruiz_2013_Neurobiol.Aging_34_1310 e1 |
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Ref : Neurobiology of Aging , 34 :1310 e1 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ruiz_2013_Neurobiol.Aging_34_1310 e1 |
PubMedID: 23036585 |
Title : A randomised pilot study to assess the efficacy of an interactive, multimedia tool of cognitive stimulation in Alzheimer's disease - Tarraga_2006_J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry_77_1116 |
Author(s) : Tarraga L , Boada M , Modinos G , Espinosa A , Diego S , Morera A , Guitart M , Balcells J , Lopez OL , Becker JT |
Ref : Journal of Neurology Neurosurg Psychiatry , 77 :1116 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tarraga_2006_J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry_77_1116 |
PubMedID: 16820420 |
Title : Association study between Alzheimer's disease and genes involved in Abeta biosynthesis, aggregation and degradation: suggestive results with BACE1 - Clarimon_2003_J.Neurol_250_956 |
Author(s) : Clarimon J , Bertranpetit J , Calafell F , Boada M , Tarraga L , Comas D |
Ref : Journal of Neurology , 250 :956 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Clarimon_2003_J.Neurol_250_956 |
PubMedID: 12928915 |