Title : A study of the pseudocholinesterase in 78 cases of apnoea following suxamethonium - |
Author(s) : Thompson JC , Whittaker M |
Ref : Acta Genet Stat Med , 16 :209 , 1966 |
PubMedID: 5953708 |
Title : A study of the pseudocholinesterase in 78 cases of apnoea following suxamethonium - |
Author(s) : Thompson JC , Whittaker M |
Ref : Acta Genet , 16 :209 , 1966 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Pseudocholinesterase activity in thyroid disease - |
Author(s) : Thompson JC , Whittaker M |
Ref : Journal of Clinical Pathology , 18 :811 , 1965 |
PubMedID: 5844216 |