Thompson RHS

References (11)

Title : Classification and nomenclature of enzymes and coenzymes -
Author(s) : Thompson RHS
Ref : Nature , 193 :1227 , 1962

Title : The action of lysergic acid diethylamide on mammalian cholinesterases -
Author(s) : Thompson RHS , Tickner A , Webster GR
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 10 :61 , 1955

Title : On the mechanism of potassium loss from brain slices induced by cholinesterase inhibitors -
Author(s) : Strickland KP , Thompson RHS
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 60 :468 , 1955

Title : The effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on the leakage of potassium from brain slices -
Author(s) : Strickland KP , Thompson RHS
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 58 :20 , 1954

Title : Demyelination -
Author(s) : Cavanagh JB , Thompson RHS
Ref : British Medical Bulletin , 10 :47 , 1954

Title : Observations on the specificity of the inhibition of cholinesterases by tri-orthocresyl phosphate -
Author(s) : Earl CJ , Thompson RHS , Webster GR
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy , 8 :110 , 1953

Title : Pseudo-cholinesterase activity in the central nervous system -
Author(s) : Ord MG , Thompson RHS
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 51 :245 , 1952
PubMedID: 14944581

Title : Cholinesterase levels in the nervous system in tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate poisoning -
Author(s) : Earl CJ , Thompson RHS
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy , 7 :685 , 1952
PubMedID: 13019039

Title : The preparation of soluble cholinesterases from mammalian heart and brain -
Author(s) : Ord MG , Thompson RHS
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 49 :191 , 1951

Title : Nature of placental cholinesterase -
Author(s) : Ord MG , Thompson RHS
Ref : Nature , 165 :927 , 1950
PubMedID: 15423543

Title : The action of chemical vesicants on cholinesterase -
Author(s) : Thompson RHS , Thompson RH
Ref : The Journal of Physiology , 105 :370 , 1947
PubMedID: 16991733