Wiegel J

References (2)

Title : Isolation, analysis, and expression of two genes from Thermoanaerobacterium sp. strain JW\/SL YS485: a beta-xylosidase and a novel acetyl xylan esterase with cephalosporin C deacetylase activity - Lorenz_1997_J.Bacteriol_179_5436
Author(s) : Lorenz WW , Wiegel J
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 179 :5436 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lorenz_1997_J.Bacteriol_179_5436
PubMedID: 9286998
Gene_locus related to this paper: thesj-AXE1

Title : Purification and characterization of two thermostable acetyl xylan esterases from Thermoanaerobacterium sp. strain JW\/SL-YS485 - Shao_1995_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_61_729
Author(s) : Shao W , Wiegel J
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 61 :729 , 1995
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shao_1995_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_61_729
PubMedID: 7574610
Gene_locus related to this paper: thesj-AXE1