Winzell MS

References (2)

Title : Inhibition of lipase activity and lipolysis in rat islets reduces insulin secretion - Mulder_2004_Diabetes_53_122
Author(s) : Mulder H , Yang S , Winzell MS , Holm C , Ahren B
Ref : Diabetes , 53 :122 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mulder_2004_Diabetes_53_122
PubMedID: 14693706

Title : Rat gastric procolipase: sequence, expression, and secretion during high-fat feeding - Winzell_1998_Gastroenterology_115_1179
Author(s) : Winzell MS , Lowe ME , Erlanson-Albertsson C
Ref : Gastroenterology , 115 :1179 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Winzell_1998_Gastroenterology_115_1179
PubMedID: 9797373