Wittekoek ME

References (1)

Title : Two common mutations (D9N, N291S) in lipoprotein lipase: a cumulative analysis of their influence on plasma lipids and lipoproteins in men and women - Kastelein_1999_Clin.Genet_56_297
Author(s) : Kastelein JJ , Ordovas JM , Wittekoek ME , Pimstone SN , Wilson WF , Gagne SE , Larson MG , Schaefer EJ , Boer JM , Gerdes C , Hayden MR
Ref : Clin Genet , 56 :297 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kastelein_1999_Clin.Genet_56_297
PubMedID: 10636448