Xavier NM

References (2)

Title : Synthesis and Exploitation of the Biological Profile of Novel Guanidino Xylofuranose Derivatives - Fortuna_2022_ChemMedChem__
Author(s) : Fortuna A , Goncalves-Pereira R , Costa PJ , Jorda R , Vojackova V , Gonzalez G , Heise NV , Csuk R , Oliveira MC , Xavier NM
Ref : ChemMedChem , : , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fortuna_2022_ChemMedChem__
PubMedID: 35576106

Title : Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Structurally Varied 5'-\/6'-Isonucleosides and Theobromine-Containing N-Isonucleosidyl Derivatives - Xavier_2019_Pharmaceuticals.(Basel)_12_
Author(s) : Xavier NM , De Sousa EC , Pereira MP , Loesche A , Serbian I , Csuk R , Oliveira MC
Ref : Pharmaceuticals (Basel) , 12 : , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xavier_2019_Pharmaceuticals.(Basel)_12_
PubMedID: 31269639