Yay A

References (2)

Title : Which Rivastigmine Formula is Better for Heart in Elderly Patients With Alzheimer's Disease: Oral or Patch? - Isik_2014_Am.J.Alzheimers.Dis.Other.Demen_29_735
Author(s) : Isik AT , Soysal P , Yay A
Ref : Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen , 29 :735 , 2014
Abstract :
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Title : Cardiac safety of donepezil in elderly patients with Alzheimer disease - Isik_2012_Intern.Med_51_575
Author(s) : Isik AT , Yildiz GB , Bozoglu E , Yay A , Aydemir E
Ref : Intern Med , 51 :575 , 2012
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 22449664