Title : The alpha9\/alpha10-containing nicotinic ACh receptor is directly modulated by opioid peptides, endomorphin-1, and dynorphin B, proposed efferent cotransmitters in the inner ear - Lioudyno_2002_Mol.Cell.Neurosci_20_695 |
Author(s) : Lioudyno MI , Verbitsky M , Glowatzki E , Holt JC , Boulter J , Zadina JE , Elgoyhen AB , Guth PS |
Ref : Molecular & Cellular Neurosciences , 20 :695 , 2002 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lioudyno_2002_Mol.Cell.Neurosci_20_695 |
PubMedID: 12213449 |