Zechel DL

References (2)

Title : Phosphonate Biochemistry - Horsman_2017_Chem.Rev_117_5704
Author(s) : Horsman GP , Zechel DL
Ref : Chem Rev , 117 :5704 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Horsman_2017_Chem.Rev_117_5704
PubMedID: 27787975

Title : An automated Genomes-to-Natural Products platform (GNP) for the discovery of modular natural products - Johnston_2015_Nat.Commun_6_8421
Author(s) : Johnston CW , Skinnider MA , Wyatt MA , Li X , Ranieri MR , Yang L , Zechel DL , Ma B , Magarvey NA
Ref : Nat Commun , 6 :8421 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnston_2015_Nat.Commun_6_8421
PubMedID: 26412281
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9actn-a0a514jvg4