de Lima Rosa J

References (1)

Title : Combined effects of polyethylene spiked with the antimicrobial triclosan on the swamp ghost crab (Ucides cordatus\; Linnaeus, 1763) - Nobre_2022_Chemosphere__135169
Author(s) : Nobre CR , Moreno BB , Alves AV , de Lima Rosa J , Fontes MK , Campos BG , Silva LFD , Almeida Duarte LF , Abessa DMS , Choueri RB , Gusso-Choueri PK , Pereira CDS
Ref : Chemosphere , :135169 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nobre_2022_Chemosphere__135169
PubMedID: 35671813