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References (1)

Title : Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: colonization and development of infection in patients with haematological disorders - Hagiwara_1995_Eur.J.Haematol_55_267
Author(s) : Hagiwara S , Miwa A , Yoshida M , Imagawa S , Komatu N , Muroi K , Sasaki R , Hatake K , Sakamoto S , Miura S
Ref : European Journal of Haematology , 55 :267 , 1995
Abstract : Hagiwara_1995_Eur.J.Haematol_55_267
ESTHER : Hagiwara_1995_Eur.J.Haematol_55_267
PubMedSearch : Hagiwara_1995_Eur.J.Haematol_55_267
PubMedID: 7589346