

Title : Reaction of tetraethylammonium with the open and closed conformations of the acetylcholine receptor ionic channel complex - Adler_1979_J.Gen.Physiol_74_129
Author(s) : Adler M , Oliveira AC , Albuquerque EX , Mansour NA , Eldefrawi AT
Ref : Journal of General Physiology , 74 :129 , 1979
Abstract :

The effect of tetraethylammonium (TEA) bromide on the neurally and iontophoretically evoked endplate current (EPC) of frog sartorius muscle was investigated using voltage-clamp and noise analysis techniques, and its binding to the acetylcholine (ACh) receptor ionic channel complex was determined on the electric organ of Torpedo ocellata. TEA (250-500 microM) produced an initial enhancement followed by a slow decline in the amplitude of the endplate potential and EPC, but caused only depression in the amplitude of the miniature endplate potential and current. In normal ringer's solution, the EPC current-voltage relationship was approximately linear, and the decay phase varied exponentially with membrane potential. Upon addition of 50-100 microM TEA, the current-voltage relationship became markedly nonlinear at hyperpolarized command potentials, and with 250-2000 microM TEA, there was an initial linear segment, an intermediate nonlinear segment, and a region of negative conductance. The onset of nonlinearity was dose-dependent, undergoing a 50 mV shift for a 10-fold increase in TEA concentration. The EPC decay phase was shortened by TEA at hyperpolarized but not depolarized potentials, and remained a single expotential function of time at all concentrations and membrane potentials examined. These actions of TEA were found to be independent of the sequence of polarizations, the length of the conditioning pulse, and the level of the initial holding potential. TEA shifted the power spectrum of ACh noise to higher frequencies and produced a significant depression of single channel conductance. The shortening in the mean channel lifetime agreed closely with the decrease in the EPC decay time constant. At the concentrations tested, TEA did not alter the EPC reversal potential, nor the resting membrane potential, and had little effect on the action potential duration. TEA inhibited the binding of both [3H] ACh (Ki = 200 microM) and [3H]perhydrohistrionicotoxin (Ki = 280 microM) to receptor-rich membranes from the electric organ of Torpedo ocellata, and inhibited the carbamylcholine-activated 22Na+ efflux from these microsacs. It is suggested that TEA reacts with the nicotinic ACh-receptor as well as its ion channel; the voltage-dependent actions are associated with blockade of the ion channel. The results are compatible with a kinetic model in which TEA first binds to the closed conformation of the receptor-ionicchannel complex to produce a voltage-depdndent depression of endplate conductance and sudsequently to its open conformation, giving rise to the shortening in the EPC decay and mean channel lifetime.

PubMedSearch : Adler_1979_J.Gen.Physiol_74_129
PubMedID: 486241

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Adler M, Oliveira AC, Albuquerque EX, Mansour NA, Eldefrawi AT (1979)
Reaction of tetraethylammonium with the open and closed conformations of the acetylcholine receptor ionic channel complex
Journal of General Physiology 74 :129

Adler M, Oliveira AC, Albuquerque EX, Mansour NA, Eldefrawi AT (1979)
Journal of General Physiology 74 :129