

Title : Toxicological effect of herbicides (diuron and bentazon) on snake venom and electric eel acetylcholinesterase - Ahmed_2012_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_89_229
Author(s) : Ahmed M , Latif N , Khan RA , Ahmad A
Ref : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology , 89 :229 , 2012
Abstract :

The toxicological effects of the active ingredients of the herbicides diuron and bentazon on the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of krait (Bungarus sindanus) venom and electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) were studied. The diuron and entazon caused non-competitive inhibition of AChE from both species. For the venom AChE, the calculated IC50 for diuron and bentazon were found to be 3.25 and 0.14 muM, while for eel AChE, the respective IC50 values were 3.6 and 0.135 muM. In comparison, bentazon was a more potent inhibitor than diuron of AChE from both species. The insecticide lindane did not have any inhibitory effect on AChE activity in either species, even when tested at high concentrations (200-800 muM).

PubMedSearch : Ahmed_2012_Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol_89_229
PubMedID: 22653306

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Citations formats

Ahmed M, Latif N, Khan RA, Ahmad A (2012)
Toxicological effect of herbicides (diuron and bentazon) on snake venom and electric eel acetylcholinesterase
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 89 :229

Ahmed M, Latif N, Khan RA, Ahmad A (2012)
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 89 :229