

Title : Cholinesterases and peanut agglutinin binding related to cell proliferation and axonal growth in embryonic chick limbs - Alber_1994_Anat.Embryol.(Berl)_190_429
Author(s) : Alber R , Sporns O , Weikert T , Willbold E , Layer PG
Ref : Anatomy & Embryology (Berl) , 190 :429 , 1994
Abstract :

Embryonic cholinesterases are assigned important functions during morphogenesis. Here we describe the expression of butyrylcholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase, and the binding of peanut agglutinin, and relate the results to mitotic activity in chick wing and leg buds from embryonic day 4 to embryonic day 9. During early stages, butyrylcholinesterase is elevated in cells under the apical ectodermal ridge and around invading motoraxons, while acetylcholinesterase is found in the chondrogenic core, on motoraxons and along the ectoderm. Peanut agglutinin binds to the apical ectodermal ridge and most prominently to the chondrogenic core. Measurements of thymidine incorporation and enzyme activities were consistent with our histological findings. Butyrylcholinesterase is concentrated near proliferative zones and periods, while acetylcholinesterase is associated with low proliferative activity. At late stages of limb development, acetylcholinesterase is concentrated in muscles and nonexistent within bones, while butyrylcholinesterase shows an inverse pattern. Thus, as in other systems, in limb formation butyrylcholinesterase is a transmitotic marker preceding differentiation, acetylcholinesterase is found on navigating axons, while peanut agglutinin appears in non-invaded regions. These data suggest roles for cholinesterases as positive regulators and peanut-agglutinin-binding proteins as negative regulators of neural differentiation.

PubMedSearch : Alber_1994_Anat.Embryol.(Berl)_190_429
PubMedID: 7887493

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Alber R, Sporns O, Weikert T, Willbold E, Layer PG (1994)
Cholinesterases and peanut agglutinin binding related to cell proliferation and axonal growth in embryonic chick limbs
Anatomy & Embryology (Berl) 190 :429

Alber R, Sporns O, Weikert T, Willbold E, Layer PG (1994)
Anatomy & Embryology (Berl) 190 :429