

Title : Probing the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of a novel Ru(II) polypyridyl complex and the supramolecular interaction by (STD)-NMR - Almeida_2021_J.Inorg.Biochem_224_111560
Author(s) : Almeida MP , Kock FVC , de Jesus HCR , Carlos RM , Venancio T
Ref : J Inorg Biochem , 224 :111560 , 2021
Abstract :

Currently, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors are the only anti-Alzheimer drugs commercially available. Despite their wide use those drugs are all dose dependent and their effect last for no longer than two years, with several side effects. The search of novel acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors remains as the main scientific route. Here we describe the synthesis, characterization, biological activity and an NMR binding-target study of a novel cis-[Ru(Bpy)(2)(EtPy)(2)](2+), (RuEtPy), Bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine and EtPy = 4,2-Ethylamino-pyridine) as a potential AChE inhibitor. The classic Ellman's colorimetric assay suggests that the RuEtPy exhibits a high inhibitory activity, following a competitive mechanism, with a remarkable low inhibition constant (Ki = 16.8 microM), together with a IC(50) = 39 microM. Hence, we have studied the spatial interactions for this novel candidate towards the human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE) using saturation transfer difference (STD)-NMR, in order to describe the mechanism of the interaction. NMR binding-target results shows that the 4,2-Ethylamino-Pyridine group is spatially closer to hAChE surface chemical arrangement than 2,2' bipyridine counterpart, exerting an efficient intermolecular interaction, with a low dissociation constant (K(D) = 55 microM), probing that 4,2-Ethylamino-pyridine motif plays a key role in the inhibitory action.

PubMedSearch : Almeida_2021_J.Inorg.Biochem_224_111560
PubMedID: 34399231

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Citations formats

Almeida MP, Kock FVC, de Jesus HCR, Carlos RM, Venancio T (2021)
Probing the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of a novel Ru(II) polypyridyl complex and the supramolecular interaction by (STD)-NMR
J Inorg Biochem 224 :111560

Almeida MP, Kock FVC, de Jesus HCR, Carlos RM, Venancio T (2021)
J Inorg Biochem 224 :111560