

Title : Developing therapies for Alzheimer's disease - Altman_1995_Mol.Med.Today_1_404
Author(s) : Altman J
Ref : Mol Med Today , 1 :404 , 1995
Abstract :

With the greying of the population, many more people will suffer from senile dementia, placing an enormous burden on families and on health provision. Alzheimer's disease, by far the most common form of dementia, is a complex disease, whose causes are still poorly understood despite a recent mushrooming in research. Many drugs are being developed that may provide symptomatic relief or slow down deterioration, but preventive therapies still seem a long way off.

PubMedSearch : Altman_1995_Mol.Med.Today_1_404
PubMedID: 9415188

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Altman J (1995)
Developing therapies for Alzheimer's disease
Mol Med Today 1 :404

Altman J (1995)
Mol Med Today 1 :404