

Title : Novel Sophoridine Derivatives as Potential Larvicidal Agents against Aedes albopictus: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition, and Morphological Study - Ang_2023_Insects_14_
Author(s) : Ang S , Cao N , Zheng W , Zhang Z , Li J , Yan Z , Su K , Wong WL , Zhang K , Hong WD , Wu P
Ref : Insects , 14 : , 2023
Abstract :

Two series of novel sophoridine derivatives were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their anti-mosquito activity. SOP-2g, SOP-2q, and SOP-2r exhibited potential larvicidal activity against Aedes albopictus larva with LC(50) values of 330.98, 430.53, and 411.09 ppm, respectively. Analysis of structure-activity relationships indicated that the oxime ester group was beneficial for improving the larvicidal biological activity, whereas the long-chain aliphatic group and fused-ring group were introduced. Furthermore, the larvicidal mechanism was also investigated based on the inhibition assay of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the morphological observation of dead larva treated with derivatives. Results indicated that the AChE inhibitory activity of the preferred three derivatives were 63.16%, 46.67%, and 35.11%, respectively, at 250 ppm concentration. Additionally, morphological evidence demonstrated that SOP-2q and SOP-2r induced changes in the larva's intestinal cavity, caudal gill, and tail, thereby displaying larvicidal action against Ae. albopictus together with AChE inhibition. Therefore, this study implied that sophoridine and its novel derivatives could be used to control the population of mosquito larva, which may also be effective alkaloids to reduce the mosquito population density.

PubMedSearch : Ang_2023_Insects_14_
PubMedID: 37103214

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Ang S, Cao N, Zheng W, Zhang Z, Li J, Yan Z, Su K, Wong WL, Zhang K, Hong WD, Wu P (2023)
Novel Sophoridine Derivatives as Potential Larvicidal Agents against Aedes albopictus: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition, and Morphological Study
Insects 14 :

Ang S, Cao N, Zheng W, Zhang Z, Li J, Yan Z, Su K, Wong WL, Zhang K, Hong WD, Wu P (2023)
Insects 14 :