

Title : Normal range of human red blood cell acetylcholinesterase activity - Arrieta_2009_Drug.Chem.Toxicol_32_182
Author(s) : Arrieta DE , McCurdy SA , Henderson JD , Lefkowitz LJ , Reitstetter R , Wilson BW
Ref : Drug & Chemical Toxicology , 32 :182 , 2009
Abstract :

The normal range of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (RBC-AChE) activity is important when monitoring exposure to pesticides and chemical warfare agents. A modification of Michel's method measured RBC-AChE activities from 991 individuals (818 males and 173 females) presumably unexposed to nerve agents. Median age was 42 (range, 18-76) years. RBC-AChE (mean +/- SD) was 0.74 +/- 0.06 delta pH units/hour. Multivariate linear regression showed an association with age (slope +0.0008 delta pH units/hour for each year; P < 0.001) unlikely to be clinically significant. The findings represent the largest study of human RBC-AChE to date providing measures of central tendency and variation.

PubMedSearch : Arrieta_2009_Drug.Chem.Toxicol_32_182
PubMedID: 19538013

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Arrieta DE, McCurdy SA, Henderson JD, Lefkowitz LJ, Reitstetter R, Wilson BW (2009)
Normal range of human red blood cell acetylcholinesterase activity
Drug & Chemical Toxicology 32 :182

Arrieta DE, McCurdy SA, Henderson JD, Lefkowitz LJ, Reitstetter R, Wilson BW (2009)
Drug & Chemical Toxicology 32 :182