

Title : MK2 inhibitor PF-3644022 shows protective effect in mouse microglial N9 cell line induced with cigarette smoke extract - Asthana_2024_Chem.Biol.Drug.Des_104_e14592
Author(s) : Asthana S , Pandey SK , Gautam AS , Singh RK
Ref : Chemical Biology Drug Des , 104 :e14592 , 2024
Abstract :

Neuroinflammation is suggested as one of the potential links between CS-induced neuronal dysfunction. Cigarette smoke (CS) is one of the significant contributors of neuroinflammation, consequently leading to cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration. Microglia are the key resident macrophage cells in the brain with cell surface TLR4 receptor for responding to various stress signals. The CS constituents promote inflammation and oxidative stress in microglia leading to cytotoxicity through the TLR4-MK2 axis. However, the role of MK2 kinase in CS-induced microglial inflammation is not yet clearly understood. Therefore, we have used an MK2 inhibitor, PF-3644022 to study modulation of CS-extract induced oxidative and inflammatory signaling in a mouse microglial cell line, Furthermore, we also evaluated the enzymatic activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) on a direct exposure of enzyme with CS. CS exposure led to microglial cytotoxicity and enhanced the level of oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokine release by microglial cells. The microglial cells pretreated with MK2 inhibitor, PF-3644022 significantly reduced the levels of oxidative stress markers, proinflammatory markers, and improved the level of antioxidant proteins in these cells. In addition, direct exposure of CS showed reduction in the enzymatic activity of AChE.

PubMedSearch : Asthana_2024_Chem.Biol.Drug.Des_104_e14592
PubMedID: 39013758

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Citations formats

Asthana S, Pandey SK, Gautam AS, Singh RK (2024)
MK2 inhibitor PF-3644022 shows protective effect in mouse microglial N9 cell line induced with cigarette smoke extract
Chemical Biology Drug Des 104 :e14592

Asthana S, Pandey SK, Gautam AS, Singh RK (2024)
Chemical Biology Drug Des 104 :e14592