Title : Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2 - Baker_1999_Proteins_36_447 |
Author(s) : Baker NA , Helms V , McCammon JA |
Ref : Proteins , 36 :447 , 1999 |
Abstract :
Fasciculin-2 (FAS2) is a potent protein inhibitor of the hydrolytic enzyme acetylcholinesterase. A 2-ns isobaric-isothermal ensemble molecular dynamics simulation of this toxin was performed to examine the dynamic structural properties which may play a role in this inhibition. Conformational fluctuations of the FAS2 protein were examined by a variety of techniques to identify flexible residues and determine their characteristic motion. The tips of the toxin "finger" loops and the turn connecting loops I and II were found to fluctuate, while the rest of the protein remained fairly rigid throughout the simulation. Finally, the structural fluctuations were compared to NMR data of fluctuations on a similar timescale in a related three-finger toxin. The molecular dynamics results were in good qualitative agreement with the experimental measurements. Proteins 1999;36:447-453. |
PubMedSearch : Baker_1999_Proteins_36_447 |
PubMedID: 10450086 |
Baker NA, Helms V, McCammon JA (1999)
Dynamical properties of fasciculin-2
36 :447
Baker NA, Helms V, McCammon JA (1999)
36 :447