

Title : Mecp2 Deletion from Cholinergic Neurons Selectively Impairs Recognition Memory and Disrupts Cholinergic Modulation of the Perirhinal Cortex - Ballinger_2019_eNeuro_6_
Author(s) : Ballinger EC , Schaaf CP , Patel AJ , De Maio A , Tao H , Talmage DA , Zoghbi HY , Role LW
Ref : eNeuro , 6 : , 2019
Abstract :

Rett Syndrome is a neurological disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) and characterized by severe intellectual disability. The cholinergic system is a critical modulator of cognitive ability and is affected in patients with Rett Syndrome. To better understand the importance of MeCP2 function in cholinergic neurons, we studied the effect of selective Mecp2 deletion from cholinergic neurons in mice. Mice with Mecp2 deletion from cholinergic neurons were selectively impaired in assays of recognition memory, a cognitive task largely mediated by the perirhinal cortex (PRH). Deletion of Mecp2 from cholinergic neurons resulted in profound alterations in baseline firing of L5/6 neurons and eliminated the responses of these neurons to optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic input to PRH. Both the behavioral and the electrophysiological deficits of cholinergic Mecp2 deletion were rescued by inhibiting ACh breakdown with donepezil treatment.

PubMedSearch : Ballinger_2019_eNeuro_6_
PubMedID: 31562178

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Citations formats

Ballinger EC, Schaaf CP, Patel AJ, De Maio A, Tao H, Talmage DA, Zoghbi HY, Role LW (2019)
Mecp2 Deletion from Cholinergic Neurons Selectively Impairs Recognition Memory and Disrupts Cholinergic Modulation of the Perirhinal Cortex
eNeuro 6 :

Ballinger EC, Schaaf CP, Patel AJ, De Maio A, Tao H, Talmage DA, Zoghbi HY, Role LW (2019)
eNeuro 6 :