

Title : Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome (neutral lipid storage disease). A case report - Banuls_1994_Clin.Exp.Dermatol_19_434
Author(s) : Banuls J , Betlloch I , Botella R , Sevila A , Morell A , Roman P
Ref : Clinical & Experimental Dermatologyatol , 19 :434 , 1994
Abstract :

We describe the case of a woman from a small town in the south of Spain, with consanguineous parents, who presented with the complete syndrome. The main clinicopathological characteristics are discussed.

PubMedSearch : Banuls_1994_Clin.Exp.Dermatol_19_434
PubMedID: 7955510

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Banuls J, Betlloch I, Botella R, Sevila A, Morell A, Roman P (1994)
Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome (neutral lipid storage disease). A case report
Clinical & Experimental Dermatologyatol 19 :434

Banuls J, Betlloch I, Botella R, Sevila A, Morell A, Roman P (1994)
Clinical & Experimental Dermatologyatol 19 :434