

Title : CREB1 encodes a nuclear activator, a repressor, and a cytoplasmic modulator that form a regulatory unit critical for long-term facilitation - Bartsch_1998_Cell_95_211
Author(s) : Bartsch D , Casadio A , Karl KA , Serodio P , Kandel ER
Ref : Cell , 95 :211 , 1998
Abstract :

Although CREB seems to be important for memory formation, it is not known which of the isoforms of CREB, CREM, or ATF1 are expressed in the neurons that undergo long-term synaptic changes and what roles they have in memory formation. We have found a single Aplysia CREB1 gene homologous to both mammalian CREB and CREM and have characterized in the sensory neurons that mediate gill-withdrawal reflex the expression and function of the three proteins that it encodes: CREB1a, CREB1b, and CREB1c. CREB1a is a transcriptional activator that is both necessary and, upon phosphorylation, sufficient for long-term facilitation. CREB1b is a repressor of long-term facilitation. Cytoplasmic CREB1c modulates both the short- and long-term facilitation. Thus, in the sensory neurons, CREB1 encodes a critical regulatory unit converting short- to long-term synaptic changes.

PubMedSearch : Bartsch_1998_Cell_95_211
PubMedID: 9790528

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Citations formats

Bartsch D, Casadio A, Karl KA, Serodio P, Kandel ER (1998)
CREB1 encodes a nuclear activator, a repressor, and a cytoplasmic modulator that form a regulatory unit critical for long-term facilitation
Cell 95 :211

Bartsch D, Casadio A, Karl KA, Serodio P, Kandel ER (1998)
Cell 95 :211