

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Gallinarum Biovar Pullorum Strain FCAV198, a Brazilian Chicken Pathogen - Batista_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00028
Author(s) : Batista DF , Freitas Neto OC , Leite LR , Varani AM , Araujo FM , Salim A , Almeida AM , Ribeiro SA , Oliveira GC , Barrow PA , Berchieri Junior A
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
Abstract :

Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar Pullorum is a bird-restricted pathogen which causes pullorum disease. The strain FCAV198 was isolated from a pool of chicken ovaries in Brazil, and its genome may be helpful for studies involving molecular mechanisms related to pathogenesis and other related applications.

PubMedSearch : Batista_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00028
PubMedID: 24558231

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Batista DF, Freitas Neto OC, Leite LR, Varani AM, Araujo FM, Salim A, Almeida AM, Ribeiro SA, Oliveira GC, Barrow PA, Berchieri Junior A (2014)
Draft Genome Sequence of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Gallinarum Biovar Pullorum Strain FCAV198, a Brazilian Chicken Pathogen
Genome Announc 2 :

Batista DF, Freitas Neto OC, Leite LR, Varani AM, Araujo FM, Salim A, Almeida AM, Ribeiro SA, Oliveira GC, Barrow PA, Berchieri Junior A (2014)
Genome Announc 2 :