

Title : Transmitter release: ruthenium red used to demonstrate a possible role of sialic acid containing substrates - Baux_1979_J.Physiol_291_161
Author(s) : Baux G , Simonneau M , Tauc L
Ref : Journal of Physiology , 291 :161 , 1979
Abstract :

1. The possible function of sialic acid-containing substrates (SACS) in synaptic terminals of Aplysia was studied by intracellular injection of ruthenium red and of neuraminidase. 2. Ruthenium red, a dye known to have sialic acid as a molecular target, blocked transmission irreversibly in both cholinergic (buccal ganglion) and non-cholinergic (cerebral ganglion) synapses. 3. An intracellular site of action is likely because much less ruthenium red was necessary to block transmission when it was injected intracellularly than when it was presented by bath perfusion. 4. Ca2+ spikes recorded in the presence of tetrodotoxin or in Na+-free solution were not modified by ruthenium red or neuraminidase injections or perfusions. It is therefore improbable that these substances blocked transmission by blocking voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx. 5. Strong electrotonic depolarization of a pre-synaptic interneurone in the presence of 10(-4) M-tetrodotoxin caused a sustained post-synaptic response, which was abolished by ruthenium red. This result eliminates axonal conduction block as the principal mechanism of ruthenium red action. 6. Post-synaptic responses to ionophoretically applied acetylcholine (ACh) were not modified by bath perfusion of 2 x 10(-2) M-ruthenium red. 7. Biochemical analysis of pools of [3H]ACh was performed after injection of a precursor, [3H]acetate, into an identified interneurone. Ruthenium red appeared to increase significantly the 'free' (cytoplasmic) ACh pool without any change of 'bound' (vesicular) [3H]ACh-pool. 8. A model is proposed in which SACS act as intracellular Ca2+ receptors involved in transmitter release.

PubMedSearch : Baux_1979_J.Physiol_291_161
PubMedID: 225472

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Baux G, Simonneau M, Tauc L (1979)
Transmitter release: ruthenium red used to demonstrate a possible role of sialic acid containing substrates
Journal of Physiology 291 :161

Baux G, Simonneau M, Tauc L (1979)
Journal of Physiology 291 :161