

Title : Central acetylcholine synthesis and catabolism activities in the cuttlefish during aging - Bellanger_1997_Brain.Res_762_219
Author(s) : Bellanger C , Dauphin F , Belzunces LP , Cancian C , Chichery R
Ref : Brain Research , 762 :219 , 1997
Abstract :

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities, measured in 10 central regions of young, middle-aged and old cuttlefish, showed a regional heterogeneity but with different age-related distribution patterns. Maximal acetylcholine synthesis and catabolism were observed in the inferior frontal and the optic lobes. Important age-related decreases in ChAT activities were evidenced in most regions, while only moderate variations were found for AChE. Since the superior frontal lobe is involved in visual learning, the dramatic decrease in ChAT activity observed in this lobe (-77%) could be implicated in the learning deficits reported in senescent Sepia.

PubMedSearch : Bellanger_1997_Brain.Res_762_219
PubMedID: 9262177

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Bellanger C, Dauphin F, Belzunces LP, Cancian C, Chichery R (1997)
Central acetylcholine synthesis and catabolism activities in the cuttlefish during aging
Brain Research 762 :219

Bellanger C, Dauphin F, Belzunces LP, Cancian C, Chichery R (1997)
Brain Research 762 :219