

Title : Cholinesterase reactivators - contribution to the study of their metabolic effects - Benesova_1976_Experientia_32_1446
Author(s) : Benesova O , Hvizdosova J , Musil J , Kraus M , Erdosova R
Ref : Experientia , 32 :1446 , 1976
Abstract :

Cholinesterase reactivators - trimedoxim, methoxim and obidoxim - injected in the dose of 20 mg/kg s.c., increase muscle glycogen concentration in normal, but not in adrenalectomized rats. This effect may be in connection with simoultaneously found rise of serum corticosteron level. Trimedoxim decreases adrenaline, methoxim and obidoxim noradrenaline concentration in adrenals.

PubMedSearch : Benesova_1976_Experientia_32_1446
PubMedID: 991993

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Benesova O, Hvizdosova J, Musil J, Kraus M, Erdosova R (1976)
Cholinesterase reactivators - contribution to the study of their metabolic effects
Experientia 32 :1446

Benesova O, Hvizdosova J, Musil J, Kraus M, Erdosova R (1976)
Experientia 32 :1446