

Title : Cardiomyocyte p38 MAPKalpha suppresses a heart-adipose tissue-neutrophil crosstalk in heart failure development - Bottermann_2022_Basic.Res.Cardiol_117_48
Author(s) : Bottermann K , Kalfhues L , Nederlof R , Hemmers A , Leitner LM , Oenarto V , Nemmer J , Pfeffer M , Raje V , Deenen R , Petzsch P , Zabri H , Kohrer K , Reichert AS , Grandoch M , Fischer JW , Herebian D , Stegbauer J , Harris TE , Godecke A
Ref : Basic Res Cardiol , 117 :48 , 2022
Abstract :

Although p38 MAP Kinase alpha (p38 MAPKalpha) is generally accepted to play a central role in the cardiac stress response, to date its function in maladaptive cardiac hypertrophy is still not unambiguously defined. To induce a pathological type of cardiac hypertrophy we infused angiotensin II (AngII) for 2 days via osmotic mini pumps in control and tamoxifen-inducible, cardiomyocyte (CM)-specific p38 MAPKalpha KO mice (iCMp38alphaKO) and assessed cardiac function by echocardiography, complemented by transcriptomic, histological, and immune cell analysis. AngII treatment after inactivation of p38 MAPKalpha in CM results in left ventricular (LV) dilatation within 48 h (EDV: BL: 83.8 +/- 22.5 microl, 48 h AngII: 109.7 +/- 14.6 microl) and an ectopic lipid deposition in cardiomyocytes, reflecting a metabolic dysfunction in pressure overload (PO). This was accompanied by a concerted downregulation of transcripts for oxidative phosphorylation, TCA cycle, and fatty acid metabolism. Cardiac inflammation involving neutrophils, macrophages, B- and T-cells was significantly enhanced. Inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis by the small molecule inhibitor of adipocytetriglyceride lipase (ATGL) Atglistatin reduced cardiac lipid accumulation by 70% and neutrophil infiltration by 30% and went along with an improved cardiac function. Direct targeting of neutrophils by means of anti Ly6G-antibody administration in vivo led to a reduced LV dilation in iCMp38alphaKO mice and an improved systolic function (EF: 39.27 +/- 14%). Thus, adipose tissue lipolysis and CM lipid accumulation augmented cardiac inflammation in iCMp38alphaKO mice. Neutrophils, in particular, triggered the rapid left ventricular dilatation. We provide the first evidence that p38 MAPKalpha acts as an essential switch in cardiac adaptation to PO by mitigating metabolic dysfunction and inflammation. Moreover, we identified a heart-adipose tissue-immune cell crosstalk, which might serve as new therapeutic target in cardiac pathologies.

PubMedSearch : Bottermann_2022_Basic.Res.Cardiol_117_48
PubMedID: 36205817

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Bottermann K, Kalfhues L, Nederlof R, Hemmers A, Leitner LM, Oenarto V, Nemmer J, Pfeffer M, Raje V, Deenen R, Petzsch P, Zabri H, Kohrer K, Reichert AS, Grandoch M, Fischer JW, Herebian D, Stegbauer J, Harris TE, Godecke A (2022)
Cardiomyocyte p38 MAPKalpha suppresses a heart-adipose tissue-neutrophil crosstalk in heart failure development
Basic Res Cardiol 117 :48

Bottermann K, Kalfhues L, Nederlof R, Hemmers A, Leitner LM, Oenarto V, Nemmer J, Pfeffer M, Raje V, Deenen R, Petzsch P, Zabri H, Kohrer K, Reichert AS, Grandoch M, Fischer JW, Herebian D, Stegbauer J, Harris TE, Godecke A (2022)
Basic Res Cardiol 117 :48