

Title : Variation of dominance of newly arisen adaptive genes - Bourguet_1997_Genetics_147_1225
Author(s) : Bourguet D , Lenormand T , Guillemaud T , Marcel V , Fournier D , Raymond M
Ref : Genetics , 147 :1225 , 1997
Abstract :

Newly arisen adaptive alleles such as insecticide resistance genes represent a good opportunity to investigate the theories put forth to explain the molecular basis of dominance and its possible evolution. Dominance levels of insecticide resistance conferred by insensitive alleles of the acetylcholinesterase gene were analyzed in five resistant strains of the mosquito Culex pipiens. Dominance levels were found to differ between strains, varying from partial recessivity to complete dominance. This variation was not explained by differences in catalytic properties of the enzyme, since four of the five resistant strains had identical inhibition properties for the insensitive acetylcholinesterase. Among these four laboratory strains and in individuals collected from natural populations, we found a correlation between increased acetylcholinesterase activities and higher dominance levels. We propose a molecular explanation for how variation in acetylcholinesterase activity may result in variation of dominance level. We also conjecture that the four resistant strains did not differ in their amino acid sequence in the catalytically active regions of acetylcholinesterase, but that the expression of the gene was regulated by either neighboring or distant sites, thereby modifying the dominance level. Under this interpretation, dominance levels may evolve in this system, since heritable variation in acetylcholinesterase activity was found.

PubMedSearch : Bourguet_1997_Genetics_147_1225
PubMedID: 9383065

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Bourguet D, Lenormand T, Guillemaud T, Marcel V, Fournier D, Raymond M (1997)
Variation of dominance of newly arisen adaptive genes
Genetics 147 :1225

Bourguet D, Lenormand T, Guillemaud T, Marcel V, Fournier D, Raymond M (1997)
Genetics 147 :1225